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 《全国人民代表大会常务委员会关于在沿海港口城市 设立海事法院的决定》   为了适应我国海上运输和对外经济贸易事业发展的需要,有效地行使我国司 法管辖权,及时地审理海事、海商案件,以维护我国和外国的当事人的合法权益, 特作如下决定:   一、根据需要在沿海一定的港口城市设立海事法院。 海事法院的设置或者变更、撤销,由最高人民法院决定。 海事法院的审判机构和办事机构的设置,由最高人民法院规定。 二、海事法院对所在地的市人民代表大会常务委员会负责。 海事法院的审判工作受所在地的高级人民法院监督。   三、海事法院管辖第一审海事案件和海商案件,不受理刑事案件和其他民事 案件。 各海事法院管辖区域的划分,由最高人民法院规定。 对海事法院的判决和裁定的上诉案件由海事法院所在地的高级人民法院管辖。   四、海事法院院长由所在地的市人民代表大会常务委员会主任提请本级人民 代表大会常务委员会任免。   海事法院副院长、庭长、副庭长、审判员和审判委员会委员,由海事法院院 长提请所在地的市人民代表大会常务委员会任免。  DECISION OF THE STANDING COMMITTEE OF THE NATION- AL PEOPLE'SCON GRESS ON THE ESTABLISHMENT OF MARI- TIME COURTS IN COASTAL PORT CITIES Important Notice: (注意事项)   英文本源自中华人民共和国务院法制局编译,中国法制出版社出版的《中华 人民共和国涉外法规汇编》(1991年7月版)。   当发生歧意时,应以法律法规颁布单位发布的中文原文为准。 This English document is coming from "LAWS AND REGULATIO- NS OF THEPEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF CHINA GOVERNING FOR- EIGNRELATED MATTERS"(1991.7)which is compiled by the Brueau of Legislative Affairs of the State Council of the People's Rep- ublic of China, and is published by the China Legal System P- ublishing House. In case of discrepancy, the original version in Chinese shall pr- evail. Whole Document (法规全文) DECISION OF THE STANDING COMMITTEE OF THE NATIONAL PEOPLE'S CONGRESS ON THE ESTABLISHMENT OF MARITIME COURTS IN COASTAL PORT CITIES(Adopted at the Eighth Meeting  of the Standing Committee of the Sixth National People's Cong- ress and promulgated for implementation by Order No. 20 of t- he President of the People's Republic of China on November 1 4,1984) To meet the needs in the development of the country's maritime transport and in its economic relations and trade with foreign countries, effectively exercise the country's judicial jurisdicti- on and handle maritime affairs and maritime trade cases prompt- ly, so as to safeguard the lawful rights and interests of both  Chinese and foreign litigants, the following decisions have been  made: 1. Maritime courts shall be established in certain coastal port ci- ties according to need. The establishment of such courts, their  alte ration and their abolition shall be decided by the Supreme People's Court. The establishment of adjudicatory apparatus and  administrative offices of the maritime courts shall be decided by the Supreme People's Court. 2. The maritime courts shall be responsible to the standing co- mmittees of the people's congresses of the municipalities where  they are located. The judicial work of maritime courts shall be subject to supervision by the higher people's courts in their re- spective localities. 3. The maritime courts shall have jurisdiction over maritime cas- es and maritime trade cases of first instance; they shall not  handle criminal cases or other civil cases. The designation of  the jurisdiction area for each maritime court shall be decided  by the Supreme People's Court. The higher people's court in  the locality where a maritime court is located shall have jurisdi- ction over appeals against the judgments and orders of the  maritime court. 4. The president of a maritime court shall be appointed or re- moved by the standing committee of the people's congress of  the city where the court is located, upon a proposal submitted by the chairman of the standing committee of the people's co- ngress. The vicepresidents, chief judges and associate chief jud- ges of divisions, judges and members of the judicial committee  of a maritime court shall be appointed or removed by the st- anding committee of the people's congress of the city where  the court is located, upon a proposal submitted by the presid- ent of the maritime court.


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