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  The American Charge d'Affaires ad interim to the Barbadian Minister of Foreign Affairs           EMBASSY OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Bridgetown, Barbados No.1001 December 31, 1984 The Honorable Louis R. Tull, M.P., Minister of Foreign Affairs and Attorney-General Barbados.   EXCELLENCY: I have the honor to refer to the Convention between the United States of America and Barbados for the Avoidance of Double Taxation and the Prevention of Fiscal Evasion with Respect to Taxes on Income, signed today. The following understandings were reached between the two Governments:   (1) In the process of negotiating this Convention, the delegation of Barbados emphasized the necessity of including in the Convention additional provisions which would create incentives to promote the flow of United States investment to Barbados.   The United States Delegation is not able to accept such a provision at this time. I wish, however to assure you that my Government realizes the importance your Government attaches to the increase of United States investment in Barbados. Should circumstances change, our Government would be prepared to reopen the discussions in order to reflect in this Convention provisions which would minimize the conflicts between the United States tax system and the incentives offered by the Government of Barbados to promote foreign investment in Barbados and which are consistent with the income tax policies of the United States, including tax convention policies, with respect to other developing countries.   (2) During the course of the negotiation of this Convention, the delegation of Barbados sought agreement to include in the Convention a provision which would treat as charitable contributions for tax purposes, gifts by a resident of one Contracting State to a charitable organization in the other.   The United States delegation cannot agree to such a provision at this time. I wish, however, to assure you that my Government appreciates the potential benefits of such a provision to the cultural and economic development of Barbados. If, in the future, United States policies in this regard should change, and the provision by the United States of such benefits by treaty to United States persons should become acceptable, the United States would be prepared to reopen discussions with a view to incorporating into the Convention such a provision.   I have the honor to propose to you that the present Note and your reply thereto constitute the agreement of our two Governments on these understandings.   Accept, Excellency, the assurances of my highest consideration. Kenneth A. Kurze Charge d'Affaires a.i.   The Barbadian Minister of Foreign Affairs to the American Charge d'Affaires ad interim MINISTRY OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS. MARINE HOUSE. BARBADOS Date: December 31, 1984. Mr. Kenneth A. Kurze Charge d'Affaires a.i. Embassy of the United States of America Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce Building Broad Street BRIDGETOWN. Sir,   I have the honour to refer to your Note of December 31, 1984, which reads as follows:   "EXCELLENCY: I have the honor to refer to the Convention between the United States of America and Barbados for the Avoidance of Double Taxation and the Prevention of Fiscal Evasion with Respect to Taxes on Income, signed today. The following understandings were reached between the two Governments:   (1) In the process of negotiating this Convention, the delegation of Barbados emphasized the necessity of including in the Convention additional provisions which would create incentives to promote the flow of United States investment to Barbados.   The United States Delegation is not able to accept such a provision at this time. I wish, however to assure you that my Government realizes the importance your Government attaches to the increase of United States investment in Barbados. Should circumstances change, our Government would be prepared to reopen the discussions in order to reflect in this Convention provisions which would minimize the conflicts between the United States tax system and the incentives offered by the Government of Barbados to promote foreign investment in Barbados and which are consistent with the income tax policies of the United States, including tax convention policies, with respect to other developing countries.   (2) During the course of the negotiation of this Convention, the delegation of Barbados sought agreement to include in the Convention a provision which would treat as charitable contributions for tax purposes, gifts by a resident of one Contracting State to a charitable organization in the other.   The United States delegation cannot agree to such a provision at this time. I wish, however, to assure you that my Government appreciates the potential benefits of such a provision to the cultural and economic development of Barbados. If, in the future, United States policies in this regard should change, and the provision by the United States of such benefits by treaty to United States persons should become acceptable, the United States would be prepared to reopen discussions with a view to incorporating into the Convention such a provision.   I have the honor to propose to you that the present Note and your reply thereto constitute the agreement of our two Governments on these understandings.   Accept, Excellency, the assurances of my highest consideration."   The Government of Barbados agrees with the contents of your Note above, which together with this Note shall constitute an agreement between the Governments of Barbados and the United States of America in this matter Accept, Sir, the assurances of my highest consideration LOUIS R. TULL Minister of Foreign Affairs.


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